
2023年4月28日—InfiniteverifylooponFirefoxdespitemyverifications.WorksonChromebutIdon'tuseChromeregularly.I'mahumanandI'mwillingto ...,Ihavenoticedthatitseemstobeareoccurringissueformanypeoplereadingthroughhelptopics.AtthemomentIamusing:MozillaUbuntuFirefox91.0,2024年3月20日—IhavebeenexperiencingaproblemwithCloudflarespecificallyononesite(,2023年2...

Infinite "verify you are a human" loop

2023年4月28日 — Infinite verify loop on Firefox despite my verifications. Works on Chrome but I don't use Chrome regularly. I'm a human and I'm willing to ...

Cloudflare loop "checking your browser before accessing"

I have noticed that it seems to be a reoccurring issue for many people reading through help topics. At the moment I am using: Mozilla Ubuntu Firefox 91.0

Cloudflare Verify you are human looping

2024年3月20日 — I have been experiencing a problem with Cloudflare specifically on one site ( and when the verify you are human pops up.

Infinite "Checking if the site connection is secure" Firefox ...

2023年2月25日 — I have had persistent issues with infinite loop challenges with Cloudflare both with various Science websites and now just trying to access an ...

Challenge redirect loop on Firefox

2023年10月11日 — When enabling Tracking protection on Firefox, websites protected by challenges go into a redirect loop and never load.

Cloudflare loop

2023年12月4日 — So I use a VPN, which might be contributing to this in some way, but I am experiencing loops with Cloudflare verification only on Firefox.